Sunday, December 26, 2010

Our First Christmas

Our first Christmas. Well actually, our first Christmas we ever spent together was last year. We were engaged and decided the holidays would be a great time to meet the whole family. I (Phoebe) had never done 3 Christmases in 1 day. It was a marathon! That was Christmas Eve. It took us about 30 min to go about 6 miles in the giant snow storm and I ended up sick and snowed in on Christmas day. But alas, we made it to Ardmore the next day!

So on to this year! We again accomplished 3 Christmases on Christmas Eve in the Schulter/Henryetta area with Jeff's family. Next we trecked down to Ardmore as planned were we spent Christmas day with my family. I did not get to feel my niece-to-be kick, but other than that it was grand! So Sunday it was our turn to do our own little Christmas. I think its important to establish our own personal traditions. So we did awesome stockings. Jeff got me a super pretty journal and I got him a dragon!!!

 Well, a dragon figurine anyway. After watching How to Train Your Dragon, Jeff wanted a night I got him one!

We received many excellent gifts this year. And I am so grateful for them. But my favorite tradition we've started is the tradition of giving. (Yes, I realize the semi-cheesyness of that statement). However, we decided to adopt a foster care child to give gifts. Our church throws a huge party for all the foster care kids in our town and the church members buy the gifts. We got a super cool nerf gun and ammo for a 12 year old boy (Jeff picked it out).

So our first married Christmas was pretty wonderful. I'm still not completely sure how all of Jeff's family is related to him. I'm not sure if I'll ever get it straight. But I love his extended family Christmas! We were able to start some personal traditions and keep with the spirit of the season.


  1. Happy 1st Christmas as Mr. & Mrs.! Glad it was wonderful! :)

  2. 1. Hooray for the Barron blog! Looking forward to reading what you two are up to on a regular basis.
    2. Looks like you had a happy Christmas! While it wasn't our first Christmas together, it WAS our first Christmas away from our families (and since they won't read this comment, I can say it was awesome!). I totally know what you mean about wanting to start some of your own traditions or special things that you do together. So fun!
    3. We miss you and hope you are doing great! Much love, C&C+1
